The Drunken cat and the possessed pen!_episode 137_part 2

Previously on the Drunken Cat and the possessed pen:

Pen: who´s Raisin?

Cat: where did you hear that name?

Pen: Francis, what´s wrong?
Cat: I hate Raisin!


Raisin: Hey there little brother

Francis is left speechless looking at his brother.

Raisin has a smile from ear to ear.

Francis blood starts to boil but before he can utter a word Jason comes into the room.

Jason: Hey! There you are buddy. Surprise! Glad to see your big brother again?

Francis doesn´t answer him just keeps staring at Raisin with disdain.

The Pen decides to leave before all hell breaks loose.

Jason (cont.): Francis?
Cat: what?
Jason: aren´t you happy to see your brother?
Cat: no.

Raisin: oh come on Francesca, don´t be like that.
Cat: My name is Francis.

Jason sys, loudly.

Jason (utterly clueless): okay, so I have to go out and do some stuff. You two catch up and do whatever cats do. Sniff each other´s butts and stuff.

Jason leaves Francis and Raisin and exits the house.

Raisin: well…
Cat (interrupts): what´re you doing here?
Raisin: my human had to go somewhere to do something and she´s going to be out of town for a few days and asked her brother to take me in.

Cat: why didn´t she take you with her?
Raisin: how the hell should I know?
Cat: there´s food in the kitchen, stay the hell away from me.

Raisin: oh come on Francis. You´re not still mad about that…
Cat: Shut up!
Raisin: it was just a joke.

Cat: for you. Not for me.
Raisin: but…
Cat: stay the hell away from me.

Raisin: I´m your big brother.
Cat: You are a guest in my house. Like I said, there’s food in the kitchen.
Raisin: this isn´t your house. It´s your human´s house.

Cat: what´s the difference?
Raisin: the difference is you´re a pet and he´s a human.
Cat: you have a very sad existence don´t you?
Raisin: No. You have a sad existence, I´m awesome.

Cat: You suck.
Raisin (menacingly): now Francis, should you really speak like that to your big brother?
Cat: you’re not my brother, you just came out the same hole I did.
Raisin (confused): same what?

Cat: you really are an idiot, aren´t you?
Raisin (losing his patience): Now you listen here, you stupid cat… (notices Francis smiling like an idiot) why are you smiling?

Cat: Raisin answer me this…
Raisin: what?
Cat: are you still afraid of rats?
Raisin (trying to avoid the question): afraid of what? Are you crazy? Why are you smiling like that?

Cat: hi Raul!
Raisin (confused): Raul?
Raul: Hi Francis.

Raisin looks behind him albeit a bit fearful.

Raisin: who´s R…?
Raul: Boo!

Raisin´s eyes open wide in shock and fear.

Raisin (cont./screaming): AH!

Raisin starts running like a maniac and disappears.

Cat (laughing hysterically): Ha! Ha! Ha!
Raul (nears Francis): who´s that?
Cat: Raisin.
Raul: and he´s who now?

Cat: he´s my stupid brother. Thank you so much for that.
Raul (confused): Your welcome, but why?
Cat: he´s afraid of rats.
Raul: why? He´s a cat. Shouldn´t it be the other way around?

Cat: I don´t know. Something about my mom leaving him alone one time and this huge rat came along and wanted to eat him. He was traumatized. Didn´t sleep for a week.

Raul: That´s… Rats don’t eat cats, you know that right?
Cat: I know that. He doesn´t know that. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Raul: Francis, you´re the nicest creature I know. Why would you do that, to your brother of all beings?

Cat: Like you´re one to talk. The moment you heard me say afraid of rats you got this huge grin on your face.

Raul (smiling): yes well, it´s not every day a rat gets to scare the crap out of a cat.
Cat: see?
Raul: You don´t like him?

Cat: he´s mean. He tortured me as a kid. Scared the crap out of me. He used to tell me that if I ever went to live with a human, this human would cook me alive and then eat me piece by piece.

Raul: that´s awful.
Cat: he bit my tail, and I hate him.
Raul: well, I´m not sure where he went but…

Raul breaks out laughing.

Raul (cont.): Ha! Ha! Ha!
Cat: Thank you.
Raul: Are you kidding me? Anytime.

Cat: Do you need something?
Raul: No. I was bored out of my mind and decided to come and find you.
Cat (smiling): Rosa kicked you out, didn´t she?
Raul: yes.

Cat: what did you do?
Raul: nothing…
Cat: Raul?
Raul: I´m serious. I didn´t do anything. Nothing I´m aware off anyways.

Cat: I´m sure she´ll think of something.
Raul: Oh I’m sure she will.
Cat: want some food?
Raul: sure.

Cat: Come on.
Raul: shouldn´t you go after your brother?
Cat: why would I want to do that?
Raul: what if he gets lost?

Cat: he went upstairs. He didn´t go to Mars.
Raul: oh okay.

Francis leads Raul to the kitchen to give his friend some of his food.

The end!

2018_ Joana Teixeira


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